Sunday, April 20, 2014

                                       FINAL PROJECT PLAN

-I wanted to demonstrate the act of writing since nowadays, everything is being typed. I think that there's something significant about each hand stroke when one writes and the time it takes to finish writing a certain letter or a certain word. The type of writing I want to focus on is script.


-Make a video and edit on Adobe Premiere
-The concept is going to be writing in a diary
-It's going to be black and white

Shots taken:

-In the beginning, someone's going to start writing the date on a blank page
         -going to be filmed from a side angle/ closeup of pen and paper

-Someone writing "Dear Diary" in script
-Someone writing "Dear Diary" backwards to compare the time it takes and the different strokes
         -overlay of both shots 
         -words create an illusion

-Have super close up shots of the pen tip and shots of the person writing it from behind overlaying 
-Since a diary is personal, I don't want to capture everything that the person is writing in the diary so I plan to blur some of the writing and then focus on some words.
         -overlay this with the backwards writing shot
-Have no sounds in the video besides the pen sound 
-End it with all the scenes going backward in fast motion and end it with a blank page to give it a feeling of starting the process over

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