Title: NAKED
1)Theme: There is a virus that is in the fabric material of clothes that actually eats up the clothes that can suddenly make a person go naked and can also make all the clothes in his or her closet disappear. This particular situation is called the "Naked Epidemic."
Perspective of theme:
Vision: Have clips of actual incidents happening, news reporters, witnesses, scientists and ultimately show that there's a way to kill the "Naked Epidemic."
2) Opening- Record a normal morning routine of a girl, then showing her opening up the closet and seeing that all her clothes are missing.
-Have a news reporter talking about this virus
-Have an actual incident where a person's clothes vanishes while walking on the street
-Have a witness that saw the incident
-Have a scientist telling the details of this virus and what they're working on to cure this.
Ending- Have flashes of newspapers that talks about the "Naked Epidemic"
3) -Establishing shot of the city in the morning, the apartment and the room
-Girl getting ready in the morning (shooting her bottom half only)
-Girl calling her friend to tell her that her clothes are missing from her closet (shooting from the
-Friend tells her about the virus and tells her to watch the news on tv
-Close-up on tv
-News reporter reporting live from the scene where a person't clothes disappeared while walking
on the street (focus on face)
-Show the clip of the incident as something from the surveillance camera
-Shooting different angles as the news reporter and witness talks
-Shooting different angles as the scientist talks.
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